When people invest a huge amount of money to purchase a product, they treat it as a baby and usually go to lengths to protect it. Aside from their initial expenditures from buying the product, they willingly pay extra coins for its maintenance to make it last for longer times. You probably do not want to waste a thousand bucks to avail of anything that can easily be destroyed, scratched, or fall dysfunctional due to your simple failure to secure it with protective accessories.
Like wearing a helmet to safeguard a rider’s head in times of accident, an engine guard protects the motorcycle engine to prevent severe damage after a road mishap. SW Motech crash bars, popularly known as SW Motech engine bars today, protect the lower part of the engine, fuel tank, exhaust header pipe, and catalytic converter. They have 790’s original tank protectors, 2 mm thick aluminum engine guard, and hardware that you can purchase from Motorrad Garage.
Aside from an engine guard’s general protective measures, why do you exactly need it? Engine guards:
- reduce the damage your motorcycle falls while located on its stand,
- make it easier to lift your motorcycle since it can prop it up after the fall,
- shields your motorcycle if crashed at low speeds, especially on dirt or gravel,
- safeguard a motorcyclist’s leg by preventing it from the crash, dragging, and further leg injuries that could happen between the motorcycle and the ground,
- detracts from the typical motorcycle’s sleek look and holds fair aesthetics, and
- provide additional comfort on long rides since the bars are perfect places to mount highway foot pegs.
In addition to engine guards, Motorrad Garage has plenty of other motorcycle protection accessories from SW-Motech. It includes motorcycle skid plates, cylinder guards, Barkbusters and KOBRA handguards, frame sliders, and many more. Read this review and visit their site today.